Q: How does an eclipse affect us?
Sri Sri: When that happens, sun/moon and earth aligns, a huge energy
field is created. We should meditate, chant or do Satsang because
the effect is at least 100 times more, i.e. effect of Om Namah
Shivaya on regular day is one time but during eclipse it is 100
times more. Also we shouldn't eat 3-4 hours before and after to
intensify the effect even more. When we eat our body uses up lot of
energy to digest the food so instead of energy going to the mind it
goes in digesting the food. So if we don't eat all the energy goes
to the mind and then we should do chanting of slokas or Satsang. Our
body is made up of 60% water and so during full/new moon we are
affected also. That is why in olden days people use to fast on
Ekadasi, few days before to balance out the effect! The fasting
should be done eating fruits and vegetables. Also when we overeat or
eat heavy meal during lunch, we are sleepy after food because our
body is using up all the energy on digesting food and we can't do
anything else.
Dependence is both an illusion and reality
11 hours ago
useful post